Reduce Your  Footprint

There are so many ways to make a positive impact on the environment that it can be overwhelming. Here are some easy steps that everyone in the family can take. Send us your ideas, and we will compile a list!



Y'inz know that you should be doing more to help the environment. Here's a few easy steps you can take.

  • Make one day a week a public transportation/ bike/ walk day
  • Change your electricity to renewable energy
  • Buy local


Tell your parents that you want to have a nice planet to live in when you grow up! Here's how you can help right now.

  • Get an awesome reusable water bottle 
  • Recycle everything you can
  • Help your parents set up a compost bin


You may not be able to talk, but you are certainly impacted by climate change. Tell your people to help you help the planet.

  • Use biodegradable poop bags
  • Take your people for walks instead of driving in the car